Getting Started
Quick start
With an existing K8s cluster
Deploy the example manifest:
$ kubectl apply -f
Without an existing K8s cluster
Start an instance of Kubernetes locally using kind):
$ kind create cluster
Deploy the example manifest:
$ kubectl apply -f
This can be used to get the kind node IP address:
kubectl get nodes -o jsonpath='{.items[?("kind-control-plane")].status.addresses[?(@.type=="InternalIP")].address}'
Finally, navigate to http://<kind node ip>:30001
in the browser.
Using tilt
Tilt and ctlptl can be used to quickly build and run everything.
First, using ctlptl create a new local cluster with a container registry:
ctlptl create cluster kind --registry=ctlptl-registry
This also includes the Kubernetes objects necessary to configuring a local registry. Next, simply run tilt:
tilt up
This watches for changes in project files and rebuilds as necessary.